Program of Food Quality Control and Analysis
Program Profile
The aim of the Food Quality Control and Analysis Program is to develop students who, at the end of 2 years of education, have internalized the basic concepts and principles related to the field, targeted food safety and quality at all stages of the food chain from production to consumption, can analyze the relationship between raw materials and product quality, and use the necessary techniques and tools. It is to train technical personnel who can use it effectively, who are equipped to perform inspection and control in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards by constantly renewing themselves in parallel with technological developments, and who can work in the food industry and service sector.
In addition, to raise individuals who are socially responsible, respectful of social values, aware of professional ethics, aware of the necessity of lifelong learning, following the developments in science and technology and constantly renewing themselves, and having occupational safety awareness.
In addition to the compulsory YÖK courses in the first year, Associate Degree students take basic courses to get to know the program, such as Laboratory Techniques, Microbiology, Food Chemistry, Food Science and Technology, Basic Processes in Food, Hygiene and Sanitation. In the second year, theoretical and practical training is given in the basic vocational courses Meat Products Analyzes, Dairy Products Analyzes, Fruit and Vegetable Products Analyzes, Cereal Products Analyzes, Honey and Sugary Products Analyzes, Water Analyzes and Food Microbiology Analyzes, allowing students to focus on this field and learn about all food groups. It is ensured that they reach the level of analysis and quality control.

General Structure of the Program
Number of Students: 30 students are accepted every year.

Physical Facilities
Practical training of the Food Quality Control and Analysis Program will be carried out in the food analysis laboratory. In our laboratory, there is a microbiological cultivation room as well as laboratory devices, tools and equipment needed for the analysis of different food groups.

Level of Degree
Students who successfully complete the program will be awarded the "Food Quality Control and Analysis Associate Degree".

Rules for Ranking
In order to graduate, students studying in this program must have a General Grade Point Average (GPA) between at least 2.00 - 4.00, pass all courses with a letter grade of at least CC, and complete a 30-day summer internship.

Transition to Higher Degree Programs
Students who graduate from our Vocational School's Food Quality Control and Analysis Program will be able to transfer to Food Engineering, Food Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Chemistry, Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Genetic Engineering, Plant Production and Technologies, and Plant Protection programs through the Vertical Transfer Exam. They can also directly enroll in the 3rd grade of the relevant departments of Open Education Faculties.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates of the program are given the title of "Food Quality Control and Analysis Technician". Graduates who successfully complete the Food Quality Control and Analysis Associate Degree Program can work in all kinds of public (organizations affiliated with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Municipalities, Provincial Health Directorates, etc.) and private (food factories, cafeterias, hotels, restaurants, etc.) institutions and organizations. They can carry out food inspection and quality control services by taking part in all stages of the food chain to ensure the safety and quality of food and food contact materials. They may also have the opportunity to work in laboratories related to the physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of foods in institutions and organizations in the public and private sectors.